from:     A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine <>

reply-to:              A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine <reply+225zhd&doii8&&>


date:     May 29, 2023, 11:52 AM

subject:                What Can The US Senate Teach Us about the Dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccines?

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Keywords: smallpox (3 references), VAERS, mass (crowd) formation.

What Can The US Senate Teach Us about the Dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccines?

A review of the common forms of spike protein injuries and the profound consequences of denying them.

A Midwestern Doctor

MAY 29

, 2023

Note: this story was originally published as a guest post on Robert Malone’s page; his comments have also been included in this article and the article has been slightly revised from the time of its initial publication.

Since the COVID-19 vaccines first came out, I have had many vaccine-injured patients, friends have contacted me about relatives who died suddenly, and I’ve spent an immense amount of time reading vaccine injury reports online. Once it became apparent that none of my colleagues would consider these concerns because they were trapped in a mass formation about the vaccines being 95% effective and our salvation from the pandemic, I felt trapped and hopeless.

Before long, I could at least meticulously confirm and document each injury I came across. [Starting just as the paragraph and sentence above, find the large body segment of this email pretty much word-for-word as released on about 20230522 via Malone. However that email contained, almost as an afterthought, an interview with Matthias Desmet on Mass Formation not present in this version.  Secondly, the following data paragraph was added. -FNC]


Note: after this story was originally published, a commenter alerted me to another Democratic Senator, also having a stroke (on May 15, 2022), which occurred while he gave a speech in the Senate (thus making it harder to conceal). Although Van Hollen was 64 (making his odds of a spontaneous stroke a bit higher than his colleagues), the type of stroke he had was quite unusual; it was a brain bleed rather than a blood clot, and it happened in a vein rather than an artery (which is where brain bleeds typically arise). I have seen numerous cases of hemorrhagic strokes following COVID-19 vaccination, and autopsy results showing the spike protein directly attacks the blood vessels, making them more likely to rupture.